FV-200RF (TOA) Microphone Receiver Panel

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21,200.00 บาท

ราคารวม 21,200.00 บาท



FV-200RF (TOA) Microphone Receiver Panel

The FV-200RF Microphone Receiver Panel is used to connect the RM-200M Remote Microphone to the FV-200 Series Emergency Public Address System. Up to 4 RM-200M can be connected.

Power SourceUsable Power Supply Unit: FV-200PS
24 V DC (operating range: 19.5 - 27 V), M3 screw terminal
Current Consumption230 mA
No. of Zone Groups in Speaker SelectorMax. 10 (SS-2010, SS-1010R, SS-1010)
Priority Control for Remote MicrophoneLast-in-1st-out priority / 1st-in-1st-out priority / individual priority / selectable
Control InputAll call :1 input,No-voltage make contact input,open voltage 24V DC,
short-circuit current : Under 5 mA, removable terminal block (2 pins)
Control OutputSS Control : 55 outputs, open collector output, removable terminal block (6 pins)
ChimeAscending 4-note tone
RF Link
Audio Output0 dB*, unbalanced, removable terminal block (2 pins)
RM Link
Usable Remote MicrophoneRM-200M Remote microphone extention unit : RM-210 (Max. 4 units)
No. of Connectable to Remote MicrophoneMax. 4 x RM-200M
Max. Cable DistanceTotal 800 m
S/N RatioOver 60 dB
DistortionUnder 1% (1 kHz, rated output)
LED IndicatorPower (Green), Error (Red)
Operating Temperature0 ℃ to +40 ℃
Operating HumidityUnder 90% RH (no condensation)
FinishFront Panel : Aluminum, black, alumite
Dimensions482 (W) × 44 (H) × 320 (D) mm
Weight2.8 kg 
AccessoryRemovable terminal plug (2  pins) x 2, removable terminal plug (3 pins) x 1, removable terminal plug (6 pins) x 10, Instruction Manual x 1
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