PRA-APAL (BOSCH) Advanced public address license

รหัสสินค้า : BOSCH-PRA-APAL


122,900.00 บาท

ราคารวม 122,900.00 บาท



Advanced functionality for high‑quality announcements, messages, text‑to‑speech, internet radio, music management and scheduled events

Support of personal devices such as third party PCs and wireless tablets

Possibility to configure user group profiles for different access levels

Each connected user device requires one software license

Key Specifications

License format Code sent via e‑mail
License requirement One per active operator device
Maximum number of operator devices Virtually unlimited
Supported connections IP (wired or WiFi)
Supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge
Graphic user interface Optimized for use with a 10” touch screen
Supported headsets Determined by operator device
Safari 14
Firefox 78.8.0esr (32-bit)
Microsoft Edge 88.0.705.74
Google Chrome 91.0.4472.80
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